ponedeljek, 22. avgust 2011

coming soon

Some new information about project.. as i said before.. slabshkonich should be out in short time.. but some riders had some injuries so we wont be able to  make the movie till late september or october.. stay tuned and tripped ++

sreda, 10. avgust 2011

tomaž kolar @lj

so i spent a day ridin with tomaž kolar and he showed some big shit.. too bad he broke his chain and we spent 2hours finding a chainbreaker.. but still it was a pretty dope day..

četrtek, 4. avgust 2011

Slabshkonich vol.2 !

we decided to make another slabshkonich movie, this year with better equipment, more skill and more blazin ! Full movie will be available at the end of this summer or in early autumn..